Tuesday, May 21, 2024

In The Heights @ Cleveland Play House

Through June 9, 2024
(216) 400-7096


Howard Gollop

Every so often, a regional theater in Northeast Ohio pulls out all the stops for a big Broadway experience that's beyond the norm for even national tours. Cleveland Play House's return to the 16-year-old Broadway sensation "In the Heights," which launched the career of Lin-Manuel Miranda, who went on to create "Hamilton," achieves that bonanza status.

To see a full review of this show, read Howard Gollop's review here.

Mark Horning

Temps are heating up in this melting pot we call Cleveland and what better way to celebrate summer than to see this show. As the characters of the show would tell you...¡Que calor!

To see a full review of this show, read Mark Horning's Review here.

Chris Howey

This Cleveland Play House production soars above any small quibbles one might have.

To see a full review of this show, read Chris Howey's Review here.

Dr. Yuko Kurahashi

So, what the audience might perceive from a production of In the Heights in 2024 differs from that of the original production which won the team many Tony awards. I attended the Broadway production, and I remember that I left the theatre with so much hopes and dreams.

This time, I could not “celebrate” with the cast and other audience members during the finale when Usnsnavi celebrates his decision to maintain his bodega with a new graffiti on the shutter with “pacienciea y fe” (patience and faith)—to commemorate the song sung by the neighborhood’s grandmother figure.

To see a full review of this show, read Yuko's posts here.

Joey Morona

"In the Heights" might be the most unexpected show the regional theater has put on in years. “Hamilton” creator Lin-Manuel Miranda’s debut — CPH’s first main-stage musical since 2021 — is an elaborate and electrifying extravaganza with the look, feel and talent typically associated with the national touring Broadway productions next door at Playhouse Square.

To see a full review of this show, read Joey's posts here.