Monday, April 29, 2024

Significant Other @ Dobama Theatre

Through May 19, 2024
(216) 932-3396


Roy Berko

SIGNIFICANT OTHER is a significant contemporary play that gets an outstanding production.  Go experience the fine performance of Scott Esposito, and the rest of the cast, and be exposed to a must-see production!

To see a full review of this show, read Roy Berko's blog here.

Howard Gollop

Playwright Joshua Harmon seems to know his way around his supporting characters -- who seem ready for the reboot of "Sex in the City" -- better than he does the protagonist. He's rendered a bit too emotionally strung, maniacally romantic and intermittently lugubrious to merit all the attention he demands from the audience, as well as his friends. A throwaway comment he makes about someone too ugly to be taken seriously as a "significant partner" is all we need do know why he's not even the bridesmaid, let alone the bride.

Nevertheless, dependable Dobama ensures a fulfilling production, starting with director Colin Anderson, who knows his way around an intimate theater and intimate characters -- well played by an amazing ensemble lead by Scott Esposito as lovelorn Jordon and Kat Nash, Mary-Francis Miller, Kat Shy and Kat Nash as his female pals. The production design by Richard Morris, Jr., with literally spot-on lighting by Adam Ditzes, manages maximally convincing environments in minimal space.

To see a full review of this show, read Howard Gollop's review here.

Sheri Gross

When asked what the play “Significant Other” is about, playwright Joshua Harmon says “I think it’s a play grappling with what it means to be alone and what you do when you know what would make your life better but you can’t make it happen.” That is a pretty universal theme that we can all identify with at some point in our lives, and it is cathartic to be able to laugh and cry along with these characters as they try to process and embrace their new normal. 

To see a full review of this show, read Sheri Gross' review here.

Mark Horning

While this show offers very high production values the use of language and mature adult themes might be a turnoff for some theater goers. This is modern theater that looks at current situations. Buy a ticket, see the show, then form your own opinion.

To see a full review of this show, read Mark Horning's Review here.

Chris Howey

It's not unusual for a play to be centered around one character, but it's rare for that person to be the least interesting character in the piece. Yet that is what happens in Significant Other, now at Dobama Theatre.

To see a full review of this show, read Chris Howey's Review here.

Laura Kennelly
No review yet.
To see a full review of this show, read Laura's posts at Cool Cleveland.

Kate Klotzbach
No review yet.
To see a full review of this show, read Kate's posts here.

Dr. Yuko Kurahashi

The Dobama Theatre production of Joshua Harmon’s Significant Other offers a “significant” educational moment for us to reflect on the loneliness, isolation, and depression of those who are not included in compulsory heterosexuality—I believe this term, popularized by Adrienne Rich, is still relevant today when people try to believe that facing and fighting against have become so “passé.” 

To see a full review of this show, read Yuko's posts here.

Joey Morona
No review yet.
To see a full review of this show, read Joey's posts here.