October 12-November 2, 2013
October 12-November 2, 2013 or 216-687-0074
Bob Abelman
In its playbill for “Lilies, or the Revival of a Romantic Drama,” convergence-continuum
asks its patrons to “deposit conventional thinking at the door, and join us in
renouncing the real in favor of living the imaginable.” This may be gilding the “Lilies” just a tad. French Canadian Michel Marc Bouchard’s play is
certainly an interesting piece of theater, and it is getting a very fine production
in its Ohio premiere, but it is far from transformative art and requires
leaving nothing at the door but one’s mainstream inhibitions.
To see a full review of this show, read Bob Abelman's News-Herald article:
Roy Berko
LILIES is the type of script that should appeal to con-cons niche
audience. The production works
well in the small intimate theatre and is nicely directed by Tyson Douglas
To see a full review of this show, read Roy Berko's blog here.