Through March 8, 2025
(216) 631-2727 x501
Roy Berko
Message BodyCapsule judgement: SHOWIN’ UP BLACK gives a thought-provoking view of a non-traditional Black family. Though there are times when the script writing seemed forced, the over-all effect is positive. It is a production worth seeing.
Message Body
Capsule judgement: SHOWIN’ UP BLACK gives a thought-provoking view of a non-traditional Black family. Though there are times when the script writing seemed forced, the over-all effect is positive. It is a production worth seeing.
Mark Horning
Worlds collide and tempers flair as two social classes square off against each other. Caught in between are the children who are trying to make sense of their world and their place in it. This show is a revelation and revolution all in one. Tickets will go fast.
To see a full review of this show, read Mark Horning's Review here.