Nov 22-Dec 8, 2013
Nov 22-Dec 8, 2013
330-671-4563 or
Kerry Clawson
Actor Sean Derry is working in overdrive in the rude, crude, in-your-face yet thought-provoking one-man show POUNDING NAILS IN THE FLOOR WITH MY FOREHEAD at None Too Fragile Theater.
POUNDING NAILS, whose title alone is a commentary on the playwright’s frustration with modern-day culture, questions the inequities in today’s society, from the smelly bum on the subway to the billionaire who’s obsessed with grilling out at his country estate.
To see a full review of this show, read Kerry Clawson's review here.
Christine Howey
festering rage with edgy wit and you have a powerful formula for theatrical
success. And playwright Eric Bogosian captures a lot of that pissed-off magic
in Pounding Nails In The Floor With My
Forehead, now at the None Too Fragile Theater.
To see a full review of this show, read Christine Howey's blog Rave and Pan