13 Most American Dreams
Cleveland Public Theatre
May 17-June 2
http:www.cptonline.org or 2160631-2727
Bob Abelman
For 60 minutes, cast members Amy Compton,
Benjamin Gregg, Caitlin Lewins, Anne McEvoy, and Darius Stubbs relive the stuff of which night visions are made—disorienting encounters
with loved ones, incoherent philosophical reflections, and haunting anxieties—and
weave them together to form a surreal slice
of stream-of-subconscious REM storytelling.
Only fleeting moments strike a familiar cord and while very well done, “13 Most American Dreams” is largely undecipherable.
To see a full review of this show, read Bob Abelman's News-Herald article here.
Christine Howey
Wake Me When
It's Over. Cleveland
Public Theatre gets caught napping in Dreams.
To see a full review of this show, read Christine Howey's review at Cleveland Scene