
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Superior Donuts @ Dobama Theatre

Through May 24, 2015
2340 Lee Road, Cleveland Heights, 216-932-3396 

Bob Abelman

This Dobama production rises above the temptation to stage the sitcom that is "Superior Donuts."  Instead, director Nathan Motta has mined the material for something deeper, more moving and significantly more beautiful.  And he found it along with a core of actors who not only see the potential in Letts' writing but who have the talent and vision to bring it to life on stage.  

To see a full review of this show, read Bob Abelman's CJN article here.

Roy Berko

SUPERIOR DONUTS is a well written, well directed, well acted play.  It is a play that will delight both the theatre-goer who desires theatre of entertainment, as well as the audience member wanting to probe into the underpinnings of a play with a social message.  Dobama ends its 2014-2015 season with another fine season, their first as a full-time Equity House and the area’s only full- time Small Professional Theatre.  

To see a full review of this show, read Roy Berko's blog here.

Mark Horning

Superior Donuts is a sweet confection of wonderful characters with an expertly written script combined with a remarkable cast.  It is the best of what regional theater has to offer.  Bring your friends and enjoy the laughs together while sharing the drama.  This is one to fill the seats for.

To see a full review of this show, read Mark Horning's blog.

Christine Howey

You will enjoy Superior Donuts because Letts knows how to craft some very funny lines, and the Dobama production is just as eager to please as the script. But it could have been so much better if only Letts had brought more of Osage County to this particular corner of Cook County.

To see a full review of this show, read Christine Howey's blog Rave and Pan