
Saturday, April 25, 2015

God of Carnage @ none too fragile theater

Through May 9, 2015

1835 Merriman Road, Akron (enter through Pub Bricco),

Kerry Clawson

A voyeuristic view of a fight can be awfully funny.  That fight turns hilarious in the dark comedy GOD OF CARNAGE, now playing at None Too Fragile in Akron’s Merriman Valley. French playwright Yasmina Reza explores the fine line between civility and nastiness, illuminating man’s animalistic impulses.
To see a full review of this show, read Kerry Clawson's review here.

Christine Howey

Director Sean Derry has assembled a dandy cast for this tag-team match that takes place in 90 minutes of real time, as refined snacks involving espresso and clafoutis give way to strong rum and projectile vomiting. This is the parlor version of Lord of the Flies where the out-of-control kids happen to be adults.

To see a full review of this show, read Christine Howey's review at  Cleveland Scene