
Saturday, October 14, 2017


Through November 12, 2017
(216) 932-3396

Bob Abelman

“Siri?  Google ‘artificial intelligence’ and the seemingly innocuous but increasingly integral role technology plays in our daily lives.”

To see a full review of this show, read Bob Abelman's blog here.

Roy Berko

 “Marjorie Prime” is one of those special theatrical occurrences that allows the audience to experience both a thought-provoking script and a superbly acted and directed staging.  This is theater at its finest!  Go see!  Must see!

To see a full review of this show, read Roy Berko's blog here.

Mark Horning

As the world pitches headlong into a state of increased artificial intelligence usage questions arise as to the dangers and pitfalls as opposed to the benefits. While seemingly benign in nature does the turning over of basic brain functions help or weaken us as humans? What about the effects on our instinctive behavior patterns? Through our association with these future animatrons do we end up mimicking them to the point of surrendering our humanity? These are the questions that you will find raised in this fascinating futuristic work. 

To see a full review of this show, read Mark Horning's blog.

Christine Howey

On one hand, one could wish for a more dramatic confrontation between these people as some of them evolve from one form to another. Surely, such an experience would generate passions of some sort, and those are notably missing in this rather sterile piece. But the elegance of Harrison’s exposition-free writing and the finely modulated performances exert a quiet drama all their own.

To see a full review of this show, read Christine Howey's review at  Cleveland Scene

Andrea Simakis

Love - whether sexual or filial or the kind you feel for a pet - and the terror of losing that love to the endlessness of the grave run through every moment of director Shannon Sindelar's hypnotic production, like the low hum of an electric current.

Silver is magnificent as the aging flirt who has borne more hurts than any parent should. A long-ago family tragedy has sent fissures through her relationship with Tess, cracks that have never mended.

To see a full review of this show, read Andrea Simakis' blog or visit here.