
Saturday, September 2, 2017


Through September 24, 2017
(216) 932-3396

Bob Abelman

Despite a story that balances precariously on the tenterhook of tragic loss, director Jimmie Woody keeps his talented performers and their textured performances from sinking into and getting lost in that emotion. The heartbreak is obvious, omnipresent and all-encompassing, but by bearing the pain and moving forward, the survivors’ resilience and the harsh reality of the street are made even more poignant in this powerful play.

To see a full review of this show, read Bob Abelman's blog here.

Roy Berko

Dobama, Cleveland’s fine off-Broadway professional theatre, opens its 2017-2018 season with a mesmerizing production of Kimber Lee’s “must see” script.  Generally well-directed, often superlatively acted, this is drama at its finest!  The opening night standing ovation was well-deserved.

To see a full review of this show, read Roy Berko's blog here.

Christine Howey

Director Jimmie Woody clearly has a deep affection for this material, and he has done the play proud by casting Jabri Little as Tray and Logan Dior Williams as Devine. 

To see a full review of this show, read Christine Howey's review at  Cleveland Scene

Andrea Simakis

Though "Brownsville Song" is tinged with sorrow, it does not wallow.  Instead, everything about it, from its animated backdrop to its propulsive sound desigg, is aimed at celebrating the life of the boy who was.  

To see a full review of this show, read Andrea Simakis' blog or visit here.