
Tuesday, October 13, 2015


October 9 through October 24, 2015

Bob Abelman

Nothing happens in this play and it is absolutely enthralling because of what actors Anne McEvoy and Robert Hawkes bring to it. 

To see a full review of this show, read Bob Abelman's CJN article here.

Kerry Clawson

Charles Mee's "First Love" is strangely poetic as two senior citizen characters dance around the prospect of love at None Too Fragile Theater.

The first meeting between Edith and Harold - played by the excellent Anne McEvoy and Robert Hawkes - is combative when they become acquainted on a park bench. The two look comically disheveled with their ripped, dirty clothing, she with a babushka-like scarf on her head and pushing a cart full of belongings.


To see a full review of this show, read Kerry Clawson's review here.

Christine Howey

The superb three-person cast of Robert Hawkes, Anne McEvoy and Rachel Roberts, and their director Sean Derry, invest this script with such pulsing humanity you can’t look away, even as your mind races to make sense of a not particularly sensible plot.

To see a full review of this show, read Christine Howey's blog Rave and Pan