
Wednesday, September 30, 2015


October 9 through November 15, 2015


Bob Abelman

Bucking the thematic tradition of portraying explicitly or presumably gay characters as self-hating, suicidal, and suffering from or under the constant threat of the AIDS pandemic, “Mothers and Sons” examines the life of the survivors now that the dust has settled and the political climate has changed.  At the heart of this play is McNally’s determination to portray the new normal in the American family unit.  And McNally succeeds, for this play effectively puts dramatic and seemingly rapid social change into a perfectly casual and comfortable context.

To see a full review of this show, read Bob Abelman's CJN article here.

Roy Berko

Under the inspired directorial guidance of Sarah May, the brilliantly written MOTHERS AND SONS is a must-see production at Beck.  The acting, technical aspects, pacing and attitude are all right on the mark!  Bravo!
To see a full review of this show, read Roy Berko's blog here.

Christine Howey

In the abstract, it would seem that Terrence McNally’s play about the mother of a deceased gay man confronting his former lover would have sparks flying. Unfortunately, this production of a flawed script never generates anything but confusion and torpor.

To see a full review of this show, read Christine Howey's blog Rave and Pan

Andrea Simakis

It's clear that  the notion of "closure," a word Katharine rightfully hates is easier talked about than lived.

 To see a full review of this show, read Andrea Simakis' blog or visit here.