
Wednesday, September 16, 2015


September 18 through October 11, 2015


Mark Horning

While not a total disaster, this production is in need of a huge technical reboot.  Until that can be figured out it is suggested that you seat yourself as far from the orchestra and as close to the stage as possible.  It is the classic problem of a great cast, great orchestra, great costumes and great set combined with horrendous technical problems.

To see a full review of this show, read Mark Horning's blog.

Christine Howey

It’s a juicy story filled with some dynamite songs, and this Karamu production manages to dazzle at times. But there are too many flat notes sung and too few transformative moments to make this Dreamgirls a dream worth remembering for long.

To see a full review of this show, read Christine Howey's blog Rave and Pan