
Monday, December 1, 2014

"A Christmas Story" @ Cleveland Play House/Allen Theatre

November 28-Decemer 21, 2014
216-241-6000 or

Roy Berko

This year’s “THE CHRISTMAS STORY,” now a seemingly permanent installment as CPH’s holiday show, was a step above some of the recent stagings of the epic.  Many of the opening night audience seemed to be long time devotees, as many of the laugh lines were preceded by pre-giggles and oral  forecasting of the now famous lines.  It was almost like a midnight viewing of “The Rocky Horror Show.” Yes, a good time was had by all.  No “bah Humbug” here!

To see a full review of this show, read Roy Berko's blog here.

Mark Horning

For fans of the movie, this production is probably the best stage adaptation in years due to the exceptional chemistry of the cast.  If you have not seen it the last couple of years, there are some nice surprises waiting for you.  Share this with the family for Christmas. 

To see a full review of this show, read Mark Horning's blog.