
Saturday, June 21, 2014

A MAP OF VIRTUE @ convergence continuum

June 20-July 12, 2014

Bob Abelman

Smack in the middle of Erin Courtney’s “A Map of Virtue,” a delicate one-act meditation about chance meetings and the currents that guide our lives, lies a psychodrama of Hitchcockian proportions.  It’s the surreal journey leading up to and returning from that dark and disturbing center that makes this Obie Award-winning play so thought-provoking. And it’s convergence-continuum’s mishandling of this that makes its production so mind-numbing.

To see a full review of this show, read Bob Abelman's CJN review here.

Roy Berko

I guess I’m old fashioned.   I prefer a play that, when it is over, I have some idea of what went on and take from it either having experienced a good laugh, a bit of real intrigue, a message, or a moral.  Sorry, philosophically abstract gibberish, and a plot in search of a purpose, isn’t my thing.  If it’s yours, you’ll really be turned on by “A Map of Virtue.’   
To see a full review of this show, read Roy Berko's blog here.

Mark Horning

For all you pseudo-intellectuals out there wanting to impress someone, this is a great show to see and discuss for hours over wine coolers at some hip and happening saloon.  For the rest of us “normal” theater patrons, it is a play that makes no sense whatsoever and probably never will.  For me it showed how far the pendulum can swing away from relevant theater.

To see a full review of this show, read Mark Horning's blog.

Christine Howey

This bird-centric play by Erin Courtney is often lyrical, chilling and ambitious. And even though it isn't entirely successful, that's no reason to demean it through "cheep" wordplay.

To see a full review of this show, read Christine Howey's review in Cleveland Scene here. 

Art Thomas 

This, like so many of the Con-Con shows, sounds like a dream when one attempts to describe it. An Obie award winner, "A Map of Virtue" starts with two people in a chance encounter, later they are held captive by wierdos, and finally their relationship is deconstructed and reconciled.  The promised "part comedy" never emerges, but like most Con-Con fare, there is a lot to "unwrap" in post-performance thinking.
Click here to read the complete review at WestLife